We inspire critical thinkers and lifelong learners.
Creekside Christian Montessori aims to meet the uniqueness of each child by addressing their needs in a nurturing, emotionally secure, yet educational environment.
We believe education is not acquired solely by reading, writing, and listening. Education is best obtained by experiences in which the child is an active participant in their environment. It is our mission for our students to learn, grow, and excel in an environment of security, understanding, and consistency. Our array of Montessori designed activities and materials allow our students to work from concrete experiences towards an understanding of abstract concepts. Our activities are sequenced to encourage independence, inquiry, problem-solving.
We educate our students to prepare them for purposeful lives as global, respectable citizens.
The vision at Creekside Christian Montessori runs parallel with the biblical scripture Proverbs 22:6.
“Train up a child in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it”.
Explanation of Proverbs 22:6 as our vision:
Train up (instruct, show, demonstrate, explain) a child in the way they should go (according to their individual personality, disposition, giftings, talents, character, and learning proficiency), so that when they are old (have grown to maturity, making their own decisions) they will not depart (abandon or turn away from what they have learned) from it.