Head of School
I am Lisa Barrett and in 2000 my husband, Tom, and I opened Creekside Christian Montessori. I am a mother to 4 children with an amazing husband who always guides and supports me. My husband, Tom, is the rock in my life and walks with me spiritually …I was born and raised in the Green Bay area and attended UW Green Bay for my early childhood K-6 teaching degree. It was during my courses at UWGB where I was introduced to Montessori education. I fell in love with the concept and the logic of Montessori. I did my final research solely on Montessori. From there I went on to attend MMTTC in Everson, IL where I received my Administration of Montessori Certification.
I have always known that children would be a part of my life. I have pure joy when I spend time with children. I love how they think, how they love unconditionally, and how they have a love of this world around them. When you take the time in silence to observe a child, you will see the true giftings that God has placed in them. I want our school to be able to tap into those spiritual giftings and guide each child on how to use them accurately and thoroughly throughout their entire life.
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From the Desk of Mrs. Barrett
My husband Tom and I had a wonderful opportunity last summer. We were asked by Amy Morin, author of 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do, to assist her in the final process of her book before it went to publication. Tom and were one of 15 couples who were fortunate enough to be part of this opportunity. Amy asked Tom and I to read one chapter per week and apply the concepts and principles of her book to our own children. After each chapter we were instructed to write a summary on the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of the concepts and if they were tangible and applicable. At the time our children were 14, 19, 22 and 22 years old. WOW! Not only was the book applicable, it was EFFECTIVE!
Making our kids aware that Tom and I were doing this, it gave our family time to discuss topics that may have otherwise never been discussed. The advice and tools in this book didn't just tell us what todo as parents; it told us what not to do. As a family, we discovered there may be gaps in our relationships and how we could approach them. We also discovered a new sense of confidence (and confirmation) helping Tom and I establish a solid path in the right direction for our children after all these years. What a great opportunity and awesome family bonding we all had!
I have introduced chapter one to the staff, and we have talked about how this applies to our school and how we can take it to the classroom. We are always excited to use productive and beneficial tools in our classrooms and watch the growth and development blossom!